Policies and Procedures

Toddler Room

The following policies and procedures have been developed to provide an easy transition for the children and parents and to ensure a safe and healthy environment.

Each parent needs to meet with their child’s new teacher for an intake interview.

Labeling your child’s property is very important. The toddler’s love to carry their things from home around and things get lost very easily.

Food, Mealtimes and Naps

The children will eat family style at the table, and use tippy cups until they are able to drink from a regular cup.

Children need to be off of bottles during the day, as we are not able to give toddlers bottles while they are in the room.

If there is something on our lunch menu that your child can not have it is the parent’s responsibility to provide a substitution.

Naps are taken on a cot in the classroom.

Naptime is from 12:00- 2:30

Pacifiers and Blankets

Our goal is for the children to only use their pacifiers and blankets at naptime. We will allow a transition period when children start in the room. Pacifiers and blankets can also be used when children are upset or ill.

Potty Training

We will work with parents on the issue of potty training. We will have the child sit on the potty chair with every diaper change; we do not force children to sit on potty chairs.

Good communication between children and parents and teachers is the key to children’s success.

Parents Provide

Diapers, wipes, ointments, extra clothes, sunscreen (if not using RFG sunscreen), and bug spray if you feel your child needs it.

Parents should read their child’s classroom information board and check their child’s cubbies and clipboards daily. A lot of information and messages are in those areas and it is very important for good communication.

Outside Time

Weather permitting we will take the children outside twice daily for a half an hour at a time. We sometimes also go on buggy rides around the building. Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing and footwear to wear outside. We will use appropriate discretion when determining if children should go outside or not.

Before a Toddlers First Day

A child is considered a toddler between 16 months and 33 months of age

The intake conference should be set up either before the child officially starts in the room or during the first week of being in the room.

For newly enrolled children it is recommended that the child have an opportunity to visit the toddler room a few times to help with the transition, the intake conference can be done during these visits.

We will do everything in our power to make your child’s transition into toddlers a smooth one.